Welcome to Marudhara College (A Unit of Marudhara Group Of Education)
1 Mr. Aditya Dhaka Principal B.Tech, M.Tech IIT Bombey
3 Mr. Narendra Jangir HOD Civil B.Tech, M.Tech*
4 Mr. Jeevan Ram HOD Architecture B.Arch
5 Mr. Tiab Ali Sr. Lecturer CS B.Tech, MBA*
6 Mr. Rajat Kumar HOD Electrical B.Tech, M.Tech*
7 Mr. R. S. Shekhawat Lect. Architecture B.Arch
8 Mr. R.K.Ranwa Lect. Architecture B.Arch
9 Mr. Vijay Gouttam Lect. Civil B.Tech
10 Mr. Satpal Singh Lect. Civil B.Tech
12 Mr. Devendra Kumar Sr. Lecturer EL B.E.
15 Mr. Suresh Kajla Lect. CS MCA
16 Mr. Arvind Jangid Lect. CS PGDCA
18 Mr. Ankit Kumar Lect. EE B.Tech
20 Mr. Shiv Babu Patel Lect. EL B.E.
21 Mr. Sanjay Kumawat Lect. Chemistry M.Sc.
23 Mr. Jagdish Luhar Workshop Sup. ITI, Diploma
24 Mr. Amit Kumar Rewar Instructor ITI, Diploma
25 Mr. Rajendra Kumar Instructor ITI, Diploma